York University Cave and Pothole Club

Explorations in the Picos de Europa

View over the Cares Gorge from Vega Huerta (Photo: Dave Milne)



Expedition Summaries
1984    1987    1990
1985    1988    1991
1986    1989    1994

Pozo de Cuetalbo (M2)
Pozo de Llastrale (β3)
Sima de Cotalbin (K903) Thesaurus Fragilis (M921)

Survey Galleries

Image Galleries

Camping in β3, 1990

Caving Clubs
Caving in the Picos



GeoContextsé    ç3D Surface    Geological Historyê    Speleogenesisè


The Picos de Europa

The Picos de Europa massif constitutes a unit located in the most easterly part of the Cantabrian Zone within the Iberian Peninsula. The three massifs of the Picos de Europa are composed almost entirely of limestones which were laid down during the Carboniferous Period of between 290 and 345 million years ago. In the Western Massif approximately 1200 metres of carbonates were deposited with very few impermeable horizons so that most formations are suitable for cave development. The geological history of the Picos de Europa since the beginning of the Carboniferous resulted in a region with large speleological potential and the development of cave systems such as Pozo de Cuetalbo (M2) and Pozo del Llastrale (β3) are intimately related to the geological structure and lithology.

GeoContextsé    ç3D Surface    Geological Historyê    Speleogenesisè


Article from BCRA Cave Science Vol. 14 (YUCPC) Geology and speleogenesis of the M2 Cave System, Western Massif, Picos de Europa, Northern Spain, Kevin J Senior (YUCPC), Cave Science, 1987, 14, 3, 93-104, in English. PDF (5MB)

WebAuthor: D.Milne[at]Tesco.Net